Things You Should Do Every Day to Stay Fit & Healthy


Being healthy every day sounds like a considerable time commitment. Life is hectic enough without trying to live up to the ideals of health and fitness bloggers and gurus (who aren't perfect themselves).

Contrarily, wouldn't we all agree that we should care for ourselves to be at our best physically and mentally? The good news is that you don't have to overhaul your life to become your best self completely; all it takes is a few simple, healthy, and long-lasting habits. 

Healthy Habits for Everyday

We consulted some professionals to find the quickest and easiest ways to improve your lifestyle for more vitality, style, and health.

1. Find a way to walk more.

According to a large body of research, humans spend too much time seated. Change just one thing you usually do every day to get closer to your daily step goal of 10,000 and improve your cardiovascular, mental, and physical health. Parking at the far end of the office lot; getting off the bus or subway one stop earlier and walking the remaining distance; delivering a message in person rather than emailing a coworker; doing ten jumping jacks between video calls, or taking the stairs rather than the elevator or escalator (even if you can only manage one to two floors on foot). In a nutshell, try to keep as busy as possible.

ALSO READ: Positive Effects Walking Can Have On Your Health

2. If only for five minutes a day, be.

I think it's crucial to have some time to yourself every day. It can do a lot of good for your mental health to take a few minutes away from social media, work, entertainment, and anyone who wants something from you. Put down the gadgets and focus on yourself.

3. Prioritize your sleep time.

The human body relies heavily on sleep, making it a crucial function. Our bodies repair and rejuvenate themselves most effectively during sleep. Adults require 7–9 hours of sleep per night to function at their peak, exhibiting traits like transparency, patience, vitality, and responsibility. Overeating, irritability, and sugar cravings avoid inflammation by getting a good night's sleep, which also helps stave off depression and keep stress hormones at bay. In a nutshell, help yourself out by making sleep a top priority.

4. Fill in your water bottle.

Many of us aren't getting enough liquids in our systems (wine doesn't count because alcohol dehydrates). Pure and simple, water is a necessity. It aids in the appearance of youthful skin, eliminates waste products from the body (so long, uncomfortable bloating), and prevents muscle fatigue. Make drinking enough water a daily requirement; it's rewarding, gives you energy, and costs you nothing. Get yourself a cute reusable water bottle (if you don't already have one), fill it up often, and consider it your new best friend.

5. Relax and breathe deeply for a moment.

Supplement a daily habit with 60 seconds of focused, uninterrupted breathing. The sympathetic nervous system (which activates when stressed) is calm and can bring mental peace to the present by pausing periodically and spending one full minute focused on deep breathing and positive energy.

6. Dress in a way that makes you happy.

Knowing you look good can boost your self-esteem and make you happy. You can rediscover your affection for your garments by giving them a new purpose. Bring out your long-forgotten jewelry and think about splurging on brand-new, high-quality accessories. Wear something that makes you feel excellent each day. When you're at ease and content with who you are, you project that positivity onto those around you. To some extent, if you dress for other people, you will be dressing for yourself.

7. cook up something tasty.

Cooking at home has many benefits beyond saving money and letting your creative side shine (instead of paying for takeout or restaurant meals). The only way to know that you're getting genuine, whole, unprocessed foods is to cook them yourself. It allows you to decide for yourself what you put into your body. Consume a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds, and legumes, and refrain from eating past fullness.

8. Pick a nutritious ingredient on purpose.

We recommend making at least one healthy meal or snack selection each day, even if you don't have access to a kitchen. Pick up a banana from the break room fruit bowl or throw in some extra veggies to that chicken caesar salad (grape tomatoes and asparagus are two delicious options). Consuming one healthy thing every day shows that you have the initiative to improve your health over time.

9. Know your needs.

Our perception of healthiness can shift from one minute to the next for various reasons. Time and again, we must take stock of what we truly require. The best way to take care of your body and mind is to figure out what makes you feel the most stable and relaxed. Get in tune with the messages sent by your skin, emotions, and reactions. Think about it: would a tall glass of water satisfy you more than those potato chips right now? Feel free to respond with a "no" to that last cocktail party on your calendar because you're too tired to go. Distant feelings between you and your significant other? Make yourself heard. A date night is overdue.

10. Always be as honest as possible.

When your words and deeds are consistent with your deepest values, you gain inner peace and a sense of independence. While this may seem impossible, you firmly believe betraying your morals or values can harm your health. A significant benefit of practicing integration is living your best, most honest, and most authentic life.

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