Healthy Perks of Drinking Water First Thing in the Morning


You already know that drinking water is critical, but here's an intriguing question: If you drink water, does it matter when you drink it? You might wonder whether this is true if you know that the best way to start your day is with a glass of water (on an empty stomach, no less). Yet, drinking water first thing in the morning might not be the best idea if you're trying to kickstart a healthy lifestyle. Since the answer isn't as simple as a yes or no, we dug into the health benefits of proper hydration and who should follow this recommendation.

Why is it important to drink water first thing in the morning?

Since the human body cannot synthesize sufficient amounts of water, consuming it must be a priority to maintain optimal health. To maintain good health, you must get it from outside sources (such as consuming hydrating food and drinks).

Water makes up roughly 60% of the human body, give or take a few percentage points based on factors like age, gender, and hydration level. Water is essential for many biological processes, including joint lubrication, temperature maintenance, nutrient transport, and waste elimination (via urination and perspiration).

However, you lose water through normal bodily functions like urinating, sweating, and exhaling daily. Fluid loss can heal through exercise, high temperatures, and some medications. But one thing is sure: You must consume water daily, regardless of your water requirements.

The body continues to use and lose fluids while you sleep because you can't keep rehydrating yourself with water. That's why it's a good idea to have a glass of water first thing in the morning.

Morning Hydration Is Beneficial; however, Not Necessary.

However, the situation becomes more nuanced: While this is a healthy practice, it is not the sole determinant of proper hydration and well-being. Ultimately, the fact that you are consuming water is the most relevant takeaway.

Consuming water throughout the day is more important for your health than drinking it before, after breakfast, or any other meal. Before eating, having a glass of water first thing in the morning is recommended, but waiting is fine, too. If you enjoy the experience and find that you benefit personally, that's terrific!

Benefits of Drinking Water Right After Waking Up

Here are a few more common health benefits you can expect to enjoy if you start hydrating first thing in the morning.

1. It rehydrates you after a night of going without water.

Your body is already slightly dehydrated from a lack of fluids the night before, so drinking first thing in the morning is a good idea. So, it's a good idea to have a glass of water as soon as you wake up; you'll probably be thirsty when your alarm goes off. If you wake up dehydrated, drinking water first thing in the morning will help you rehydrate, including replacing any fluids you may have lost while sleeping. Alcohol is a natural diuretic, so this is especially true if you drank any the night before and slept with your mouth open or in a warm room.

2. It's a great way to get a boost in energy!

Drinking cold water first in the morning is a great way to start your day. Dehydration (which, once more, occurs naturally during sleep) can cause fatigue and dizziness. Initiating the rehydration process first thing in the morning with a glass of water can help prevent this by ensuring that your tissues and organs get the fluids they need as soon as possible.

3. it helps speed up your metabolism.

Drinking water can jumpstart your metabolism at any time of the day. More specifically, cold-activated thermogenesis occurs when you submerge yourself in icy water. When you get into cold water, your body speeds up its metabolism by 30 percent for about an hour to warm the water. Nevertheless, if you want to jumpstart your metabolism first thing in the morning, you can do cold-induced thermogenesis before breakfast; it's not time-dependent.

4. it improves one's mental skills.

Similarly, it can keep your mind sharp and your work output high all day long. Drinking water first in the morning is a great way to clear your head and get your brain working at peak efficiency. If you want to keep your mind sharp, it's a good idea to drink that glass of water, as even mild dehydration leads to short-term memory loss and concentration.

5. It helps the digestive process.

Water consumption helps in the digestive process. Constipation is a common side effect of dehydration, so drinking enough water can help. Compared to cold water, warm water has a more significant potential to aid in the digestion of recently consumed foods. Therefore, if you have a history of constipation, drinking water first thing in the morning can help speed up the rehydration process and get things moving faster.

ALSO READ: Unexpected Positive Effects Walking Can Have On Your Health

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